How do the structures and patterns within our communal and ecological relations inhibit the very futures that many deeply desire? How might we collectively reshape these structures and patterns to bring a future of regenerative relations to the present? What is the relationship between these possible futures and dying, dreaming, and living?

In partnership with Maria Clara Parente, Director, and Ana Clara Cenamo, Executive Film’s Producer & Spanda Produtora, we host workshops across mediums, communities, and durations exploring the film’s essential themes of dying, dreaming, and living to bring a future of regenerative relations to the present.

Despite all the scientific evidence, conferences and agreements in the last four decades to reverse the worst effects of climate change, conditions continue to worsen. Today’s global patterns of white supremacy and colonial hegemony are designed and dictated by the same institutions that create the mainstream change narrative. Crises do not originate only from “mistaken thoughts” or “lack of information”, they are also crises of habits of being. But what to do with this? And what you, a small human being amongst billions of individuals can do about this without falling into hopelessness?

Regenerar is a three-part documentary that investigates the relationships between colonial modernity and the climate emergency through three lenses: Death, Dream and Life. Thirty years after Eco-92, the film investigates possibilities of political imaginations outside the logic of separation between human beings and nature. The film brings awareness to the systemic crises and amplifies Global South voices—largely from Brazil— that question the worldview of modernity and open up space for other possibilities for life on a damaged planet.

Upcoming events

  • Regenerar Film Screening + Director & Executive Producer Q&A

    Nov 6th 3:30-6PM PT

    We invite you to join us for a screening and discussion with Maria Clara Parente and Ana Clara Cenamo, Director and Executive Producer of the award-winning Brazilian documentary in a collaboration between the Royal Roads University Resilience by Design (RbD) Lab & MACAL program and Solvable with support by the UVic Faculty of Education. We will post the Q&A recording after the screening for all registered attendees.

  • To Die: Possible paths on a damaged planet

    Nov 18th 10-11:30AM PT

    The first workshop in the Regenerar series surfaces what needs to be hospiced within ourselves, our organizations & institutions, and our communities to interrupt structures and patterns of harm. While death is often observed and avoided, in this workshop we will invite the sitting with death as a vital component of regenerative cycles. To Die is a call to open your heart and mind to the transformation of the wounded world you are part of so that you might step into different ways of habitating the world.

    This workshop is a collaboration between the Royal Roads University Resilience by Design (RbD) Lab & MACAL program and Solvable with support by the UVic Faculty of Education.

  • To Dream: Possible Paths on a Damaged Planet

    Nov 19th 10-11:30AM PT

    The second workshop in the Regenerar series invites dreaming as an enabling space for imagining and regenerating new communal relations. Dreaming and its precursor of sleep have been identified as a liberatory act of transformation because of their power to envision new structures and relations apart from Capitalistic functioning. Artistic practices support our ability to sense the distortions of dreams so that we might repattern life on this damaged planet.

    This workshop is a collaboration between the Royal Roads University Resilience by Design (RbD) Lab & MACAL program and Solvable with support by the UVic Faculty of Education.

  • TO LIVE: Possible Paths on a Damaged Planet

    Nov 20th 10-11:30AM PT

    The third workshop explores ways of living that heal from the harms and ruptures of colonialism and embrace regenerative cycles. The workshop invites us to reconsider a life apart from and beyond structures that isolate and divide. The creation of antidotes and incantations can open new pathways to repattern communal life.

    This workshop is a collaboration between the Royal Roads University Resilience by Design (RbD) Lab & MACAL program and Solvable with support by the UVic Faculty of Education.

Victoria as Civic Solidarity Ecosystem Workshop NOV 22ND

If we held Solidarity across difference as our highest community value, what kinds of bonds might be built? What community might those bonds enable? This workshop is an invitation to collectively pursue Victoria as a community of Solidary in regenerative social and ecological relations. The focus is to build power from within to drive better conditions for all.

In this half-day workshop, we are inviting Victoria area community members across societal sectors who are compelled by the hunger for something else to come together, in-person. This workshop will create personal and collective space to see where you and we are in service of opening up new possibilities of how Victoria might move towards more generative and just social relations. Who am I/are we in relationship to this place called Victoria—its land, water, kin species—we share this home with? How might organizations and institutions be a nurse log for community actualization? This will be an emergent space to weave together without seeking unity or sameness.

This workshop is a collaboration between Solvable and the Royal Roads University Resilience by Design (RbD) Lab and the Transition Bridges Project, with additional support from the UVic Faculty of Education. We are currently inviting expressions of interest to attend due to limited space. Please complete this short form to join us.

Suggested donations

The film and accompanying workshops been produced without adequate financial resources to support their creators. As we carry this work forward, we ask that you provide support within your means so that this work can continue. The filmmakers and the Solvable team maintain an active commitment to keep programs open to all regardless of access to wealth. We appreciate your contribution in right relationship with our intentions.

Donations are not tax-deductible but still just as worth. They will be processed by credit card.