HELLO Solvable.
We guide groups towards equitable and regenerative futures within the fields of education and finance.
Collective fortitude
We cultivate visions and capacities within collectives to stay with the trouble on the slow path of transition despite mounting pressures and the momentum of the unsustainable present.
We invite complexity and entanglement of living systems into our spaces by deepening the connection between being and knowing.
We design and facilitate journeys with durations of days to months that hospice business-as-usual while emerging alternative transition pathways to cultural transformation.
Food insecurity, biodiversity loss, ocean acidification, social inequality, soil degradation, and stratospheric atmospheric CO2 are not just about risk (ESG), but rather material threats to the social and planetary health that support all life. In transitioning from monoworlding through philanthropy, impact investing, and narrowly defined corporate responsibility into the decade(s) of regeneration, our team supports intra- and inter-systems development on horizons beyond sustainability-as-usual.
Meet Our Team ⪢
Why are solutions not solving?
Wicked problems cannot be solved through the processes and historical experiences that created them. How we work has to be radically transformed in order to become radically transformative (Hosseini and Gills). Discover how the Solvable team designs and facilitates group spaces that utilize frameworks like Three Horizons and the Panarchy Loop to invite diversity and divergence. Is that the innovation you’ve been searching for all along?
Experience our spaces
We host community spaces throughout the year that build relationality while collectively developing transition skills and capacities. We remain committed to making these programs free so anyone can attend regardless of access to wealth.
New programs for Spring 2025 to be announced soon.
OUR Writing
We share thoughts about transition leadership in our online publication, The Understory.